Holiday Closure

Tiny Tots Playground opens in mid September and closes in mid June. We follow the 4-J School District’s school year (click here for calendar).  We are open six days a week.  The playground is closed for Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s, snow days and in the event that the hosting church requests use of their space. If there is a sudden closure, members will be notified by email and through our Facebook group.

Inclement Weather

In the event of inclement weather, Tiny Tots will follow the decision of the Eugene 4J School District regarding closures. If schools are closed or on a delay, the Tiny Tots opener and closer will not be required to fulfill their duty (their duties will be counted as complete). Members are still welcome to come in and play if it is safe for them to travel.

If you have any questions, please contact our directors.

Thank you.