Member Duties:

Member participation is vital to the continued operation of Tiny Tots. Each member family is responsible for various duties each term, including: opening and closing shifts, substitute duties, toy cleanings, and other volunteer contributions.

The number of each type of duty will be determined by the Board of Directors each term, based on member enrollment. Children are welcome to accompany you to any shift.

  • The playground needs to be set up an taken down by a member every day that it’s open. Opening consists mostly of pulling out the large play pieces (foam pool, roller coasters, and mats) for the east side of the room. Closing requires putting those pieces away and generally tidying the playground (vacuuming, taking out the trash, etc.) The playground needs to be closed promptly each afternoon because the church rents the space to other community groups every single night!

  • In the event of an emergency or illness that prevents the scheduled closer from performing his or her duty, the scheduled super sub will be responsible for closing the playground. A Super Sub is the dedicated sub closer one day a week for the entire term. They have no other duties other than always being available on their chosen day of the week (through the whole term) to close if the closer is not available.

  • Toy Cleaning is essential to our co-op. Members participate in 1 toy cleaning per term. A group of 6-8 will meet on a scheduled day and time. Dates are available to meet all schedules. All cleaning supplies are on site in the toy closet and are non-toxic when possible

  • Because we are a cooperative, non-profit playground committed to keeping costs low, the playground can only run with support from our members. We have a variety of opportunities for members to support the playground both financially and behind the scenes. Contribution opportunities each term may include (but are not limited to):

    • Helping at a special event (such as the seasonal parties)

    • Purchase items for the playground (ex. Kleenex, paper towels, hand sanitizer)

    • Host a small event at Tiny Tots (music time, story time, a craft activity for kids, etc.)

    • Give tours to a prospective member (to give a tour, family must have been member of Tiny Tots for at least one term previously)

    • Helping at a fundraiser (distributing flyers, working at a rummage sale, etc.)

    • Extra duties such as cleaning, opening, closing, or sub duties